SkyBeam Capital Blog | Real Estate Investment Learning Center

Growing ​​Your Real ​​Estate Business: 4 ​​Tips to Take ​​Your Real Estate Investments ​​to the Next ​​Level

Written by SkyBeam Capital | September 11, 2023

Are you​​ looking to expand ​​your portfolio ​​and grow your real ​​estate business in​​ the Atlanta, Georgia ​​area? Scaling up ​​as an investor​​ takes time, ​​effort, and smart ​​strategies.​​ 

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In this blog ​​post, we'll provide​​ four tips on how to ​​grow your real ​​estate business in ​​order to help metro Atlanta real ​​estate investors ​​like yourself take ​​their investments ​​to the next level.​​

Start Small but Set Big Goals

When ​​starting out in real ​​estate investing, it ​​can be tempting to ​​want to go ​​all in and make​​ a huge purchase ​​right away. However, starting small allows you to learn the ropes and minimize risk. Begin with a single investment property. This ​​will allow you​​ to get experience ​​with finding deals, securing​​ financing, managing a renovation if applicable, managing ​​tenants, and handling ​​maintenance ​​issues.

Once you​​ have a handle on ​​the basics, you can​​ then set bigger ​​goals for growing ​​your portfolio over ​​time. Make a plan ​​to steadily add ​​properties each ​​year. Setting specific​​ goals will ​​keep you focused ​​and motivated ​​to scale up, and with each property you add, your income and equity will continue to grow.

Look for Diamond-in-the-Rough Properties

Searching ​​for undervalued ​​or distressed properties ​​can be an excellent ​​way to secure ​​profitable deals. ​​Properties that are ​​dated, in need of repairs, or going through foreclosure are often sold at a discount. With some ​​renovation and ​​upgrades, you can ​​turn these "diamond-in-the-rough" ​​homes into beautiful rentals or flips ​​with great cash ​​flow potential or profit.

When tackling a fixer-upper, be sure to make a detailed rehab budget and timeline. Have reputable contractors lined up to complete the work efficiently, and don't ​​cut corners ​​on materials or ​​repairs. Doing the job right will pay off when it comes time to rent or sell the improved property.

Network ​​and Collaborate ​​with Other Investors​​

Connecting ​​with other real ​​estate professionals and​​ investors can open ​​up a world of ​​opportunities. Attend ​​local meetups and ​​events to meet ​​individuals with ​​experience to share.​​

Learn ​​from others who​​ have successfully ​​built their portfolio, and keep an ​​ear out for ​​insider tips on ​​upcoming deals or ​​distressed properties ​​about to hit the ​​market. Having a ​​strong network improves ​​your chances of ​​finding great​​ investments before ​​they are taken.

You may ​​also find an ​​investor who ​​is interested ​​in partnering ​​with you on ​​a larger multifamily ​​property or a ​​fix-and-flip project. ​​By pooling resources ​​and skills, you can ​​achieve greater ​​results together.

Diversify with Different Property Types

When starting out, many investors focus on single-family homes. But diversifying your portfolio with other property types can be a smart move. Consider ​​investing in a small ​​apartment building, which ​​can provide ongoing ​​cash flow from ​​multiple units. Or explore investing in vacation rental properties in popular tourist destinations to profit from heavy seasonal demand. Commercial ​​properties like ​​office spaces or ​​retail stores can ​​also be strong ​​additions to your ​​portfolio.

The variety ​​provides benefits ​​like income stability ​​if one property ​​is vacant, along ​​with exposure​​ to different markets ​​and tenant types.​​ Conduct research to weigh the pros and cons of each property type based on your investing goals, market conditions, and skill set. Spreading ​​your investments ​​across different ​​assets can also ​​help reduce ​​risk and maximize ​​returns.

Growing a successful real estate investment business takes diligence, commitment, and the right strategies. Focus ​​on starting ​​small, looking ​​for hidden gems, ​​networking with ​​other investors, and ​​diversifying your ​​portfolio. By implementing ​​these tips, ​​investors can ​​take their real estate ​​investments to​​ the next level.

At SkyBeam Capital, we understand the importance of investing in real estate and provide our clients with the knowledge and resources they need to make informed decisions. Our team of experienced professionals can help you find the right opportunity and guide you through the entire process. So, if you're ready to take the plunge and get into real estate investing, let us help you make it a reality. Contact us today to get started.